Biodiversity in global agricultural supply chains

Biodiversity in global agricultural supply chains


With the project "Biodiversity in Global Agricultural Supply Chains", the Global Nature Fund supports companies in making their supply chains more biodiversity-friendly. In addition to providing information on biodiversity risks in the cultivation of cocoa, coffee, bananas and palm oil, we offer stakeholders in the food industry the opportunity to actively engage in projects to promote biodiversity in the cultivation of raw materials in Ecuador and Colombia.


Intact ecosystems with functioning ecosystem services are a requirement for our food production. However, according to a 2019 report by the United Nations World Biodiversity Council (IPBES), around one million species are at acute risk of extinction, and the annual loss of ecosystem services is estimated at 6 Bn US$. Intensive agriculture is a key driver of species extinction, but at the same time holds the potential to be part of the solution by shifting to more biodiversity-friendly production. 



 Biodiversity in Global Supplay Chains | GlobalNatureFund

Project measures

  • Raising awareness of food producers and trade in Germany and Europe.
    GNF informs companies in Germany and the EU about biodiversity risks in agricultural supply chains with a focus on Ecuador and Colombia. Through social media and the brochure "Biodiversity in Global Agricultural Supply Chains", we show possible solutions for protection when sourcing agricultural commodities. 
  • Pilot projects for promoting biodiversity-friendly cultivation of coffee, cocoa, palm oil or bananas
    Together with food companies, we initiate pilot projects to improve biodiversity in the cultivation of agricultural raw materials. With companies participating in a pilot project, we will test opportunities for marketing.
  • Marketing of products from biodiversity responsible cultivationarket products from biodiversity-responsible cultivation
    The GNF analyzes successful marketing and communication strategies to promote products from biodiversity-responsible cultivation. The results will be made available to interested companies in the food industry who can use them to effectively market biodiversity as an added value for consumers.


You are interested? Get in contact with us!

 Bananas are treated with a variety of pesticides/fungicides | Biodiversity in global agricultural supply chains | GlobalNatureFund
 Sustainable cocoa farming | Biodiversity in global agricultural supply chains | GlobalNatureFund
 Coffee cultivation | Biodiversity in global agricultural supply chains | GlobalNatureFund



 Logo Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Project partner

 Logo Bodenseestiftung


Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

The project should make a concrete contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

 Ziel 12: Veranwortungsvoller Verbrauch und verantwortungsvolle Produktion
 Ziel 13: Klimamaßnahmen
 Ziel 15: Das Leben an Land
 Ziel 17: Partnerschaften für die Ziele



Global Nature Fund (GNF)

Internationale Stiftung für Umwelt und Natur

Stefan Hörmann

Global Nature Fund – Büro Bonn
Phone: +49 228 184 86 94 11



Official project title:





Project period:




Project partner:



Strengthening biodiversity and sustainability in global agricultural supply chains: raising awareness of biodiversity-friendly agricultural products in the food industry in Germany and beyond


October 2021 – September 2023


Ecuador, Colombia, Germany




Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) / Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)