GNF - Visionary


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We are making Europe's food supply more sustainable. Our research gives us answers to important questions. This enables us to change the actions of politicians and farmers.


Visionary's mission: Making Europe's food supply more sustainable. Through studies and experiments, we find answers to the questions of what makes farmers grow more sustainably, what makes consumers buy more consciously and what incentives policymakers can provide. We connect all relevant stakeholders along the supply chain to maximize the impact of our results.



  1. Key factors that influence farmers' behavior with regard to policy measures will be identified in order to introduce behavior-oriented approaches for policy measures.

  2. Consumer-oriented incentives and promotional activities in supermarkets will be tested and initiatives along the value chains will be investigated to find out which strategies and models are successful in creating a market for sustainably produced food.

  3. Policy barriers and incentives will be considered to provide recommendations on key leverage points in the agri-food system.

  4. Significant resources are devoted to facilitating relationship building and strengthening policy-science interfaces.



Die COVID-Pandemie, der Klimawandel, Kriege – große Probleme, die die Versorgungssicherheit mit Lebensmitteln herausfordern. Auch Verschmutzungen, Intensivtierhaltung und Monokulturen gefährden Ökosysteme im Wasser und an Land. Eine Umgestaltung unseres Lebensmittelsystems wird zunehmend dringlicher.



  1. Develop a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities in developing sustainable, climate-neutral and biodiversity-friendly farming systems - both at farm and landscape level.

  2. A better understanding of why farmers are switching to sustainable, climate-neutral and biodiversity-friendly farming systems - or why they are not.

  3. Understand why consumer groups do or do not buy sustainable, climate-neutral and biodiversity-friendly food.

  4. A better understanding of why actors across the agricultural value chain and food systems are switching to sustainable, climate-neutral and biodiversity-friendly production and consumption systems - or why they are not,

  5. Better design and implementation of relevant policies, in particular the CAP, farm-to-table strategies and biodiversity strategies, that provide effective incentives for large-scale and long-term behavioral changes of farmers towards sustainable, climate-neutral and biodiversity-friendly farming systems.

  6. Support farmers to produce in a more sustainable, climate-neutral and biodiversity-friendly way through better agricultural advice and business strategies based on common interests of relevant stakeholders.

  7. Improved capacities of researchers in behavioral and experimental research and systems thinking.


Eva Schellenbeck

Global Nature Fund (GNF) – Office Radolfzell
Phone: +49 7732 9995 80



 Auch Getreidefelder können einen Lebensraum für Insekten und Käfer bieten.

Contribution to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

The project aims to make a concrete contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

 Ziel 8: Dauerhaftes, inklusives und nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum, produktive Vollbeschäftigung und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle fördern
 Ziel 12: Für nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster sorgen
 Ziel 15: Landökosysteme schützen, wiederherstellen und ihre nachhaltige Nutzung fördern, Wälder nachhaltig bewirtschaften, Wüstenbildung bekämpfen, Bodenverschlechterung stoppen und umkehren und den Biodiversitätsverlust stoppen


Project partners


Project period:




Project partners:














September 2022 - September 2026




Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España U de Coop Sociedad Cooperativa (CAE) (Spanien), Copenhagen Business School (CBS) (Dänemark), Highclere Consulting (HCC) (Rumänien), Institute of Agricultural Economics (Agrárközgazdasági Intézet, AKI) (Ungarn), Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (Deutschland), Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, FiBL), (Deutschland), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) (Spanien) (Coordinator), University of Aberdeen (UNIABDN) (Vereinigtes Königreich), University of Copenhagen (UCPH) (Dänemark), University of Exeter (UNEXE) (Vereinigtes Königreich), University of Trento (UNITN) (Italien), University of Warsaw (UW/ UNIWARSAW) (Polen)


European Union