Flowers and Biodiversity: Round Table on Standards in the Ornamental Plant Industry


Flowers and Biodiversity: Round Table on Standards in the Ornamental Plant Industry

In order to strengthen biodiversity in the flower industry, Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt (UBi) offers knowledge and recommendations from experts in dialog formats. The second round table with stakeholders from the horticultural industry at the beginning of February focused on biodiversity-related criteria for the industry's most important standards.

News from the project Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt (UBi)
Whether in a vase, as room decoration, or in the garden, Germans love flowers, and according to the Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft (AMI), the overall market was valued at 8.6 billion euros in 2023. The industry is smaller and more manageable than, for example, the food industry and could therefore serve as a model for transparent supply chains and high sustainability standards throughout the entire value chain - from seed to potted plant in the living rooms of customers. 
To strengthen biodiversity in the flower industry, the project Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt (UBi) offers knowledge and recommendations from experts in dialogue formats. In 2023, the Lake Constance Foundation and the Global Nature Fund initiated dialogue with stakeholders from the horticultural industry in Germany and internationally. Most recently, UBi reviewed the biodiversity-related criteria of the industry's leading standards (both for cut flowers and potted plants) and invited stakeholders to a roundtable discussion in early February 2024.

Biodiversity criteria of leading sustainability standards

The second round table of the UBi project took place on February 1, 2024, bringing together standard setters, producers, and representatives from construction and garden centers to discuss recommendations for biodiversity protection. The basis of the discussion was an analysis of the biodiversity criteria of leading industry standards (e.g., MPS, Fairtrade, GlobalG.A.P. IFA, EU Bio), conducted by the Bodensee Foundation and the Global Nature Fund. Orientation towards the avoidance hierarchy and the inclusion of biodiversity training for businesses and auditors were presented as fundamentals, for example.

Biodiversity action plans for horticulture

A central aspect of the dialogue was the integration of biodiversity action plans into industry standards. Although some standards already include such plans, they are often voluntary, and there is a lack of clear guidance, practical examples, and recommendations for implementation. It is also important to consider the regional differences at (global) production sites - important production countries include, among others, the Netherlands, Kenya, Colombia, or Malaysia. Financing biodiversity measures remains a challenge, although they can help companies secure their production against climate change. 
Another topic of the round table was biodiversity monitoring. There was consensus that monitoring must be easily implementable. The recording of operating areas and natural areas is still difficult; some standards are also experimenting with geodata and filters or life cycle assessments.

Conclusion on the second round table

Participants agreed that biodiversity measures help producers secure ecosystem services such as fertile soil or water and thus better secure their production against climate change. Through practical examples and collaboration along the supply chain, the sector can advance biodiversity protection. Challenges for the flower and ornamental plant industry.

At our third round table on February 28, 2024, we set a focus on topics such as resource overuse, invasive species, biodiversity, and environmental pollution. We will report on findings and experiences at 



NRW.BANK.seminar: Biodiversity in the company

Know legal requirements (CSRD, CSDDD, EUDR) & implement measures

November 11 2024, 9.00 - 13.00 o'clock


Link to registration





European Conference "Biodiversity in Food Supply Chains"

"A look into the future: opportunities and challenges of textile-to-textile recycling"

November 12 to 13, 2024


Link to registration






Global Nature Fund against extremism 

Our democracy is in danger

Uncertainties and threats around us are growing and the political climate in Germany and Europe has changed dramatically. In particular, the current developments in Germany over the past few weeks are very frightening. 


GNF is taking a stand

The Global Nature Fund (GNF) stands for democracy, freedom of opinion and fundamental human rights for all people and is committed to a liberal, cosmopolitan society. We categorically reject any form of extremist ideology as a pretext for hatred, exclusion, intolerance, racism, misanthropy or violence. In Germany and Europe, right-wing extremist groups are increasingly and deliberately stirring up fears - fear of foreigners, change or poverty - and inciting people and social groups against each other. We must take action against this and oppose this attack on democracy and basic social values with determination and solidarity. The primary goal of GNF - the protection of the environment and nature, sustainable development and the preservation of the basis of human life - also requires clear political demands and positions. The current complex crises, such as wars, climate and environmental problems and other natural disasters, can only be solved in a liberal and democratic social environment.


Act now

Fundamental values of our society are also under threat in Germany. Various local, state and European elections are due in 2024. This must be a call or all of us now. All people striving for peace, democracy, justice, tolerance, self-determination and human rights must act now and use all democratic instruments. Against racism, anti-Semitism and any other form of group-based misanthropy! For us, and future generations. (GNF, 02.02.2024)