Nature without barriers: Creative winners for inclusive nature experience


Nature without barriers: Creative winners for inclusive nature experience

21 large and small nature conservation facilities from all over Germany applied for the "Experience nature barrier-free" ideas competition - now eight winners from the North Sea coast to the shores of Lake Chiemsee have been selected.

Radolfzell, 15.03.2023: The Global Nature Fund, the German Seminar for Tourism e.V. / Travel for All, National Natural Landscapes e.V. and the consulting office Dr. Kai Pagenkopf congratulate the eight winners of the idea competition "Experience nature barrier-free" as part of the project "Nature without barriers!".

The winners are the Natura 2000 information center Haus der Flüsse in Saxony-Anhalt, the nature reserve Naturschutzpark Märkische Schweiz e.V. in Brandenburg, the Nagelfluhkette nature park in Bavaria, the association Wasser Otter Mensch e.V. in Schleswig-Holstein, the Naturschutzzentrum Zittauer Gebirge gGmbH in Saxony, the Naturparkzentrum Westhavelland in Brandenburg, the UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea Visitor Center Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony, and the Verein der Natur und Landschaftsführer*innen, Inn/Salzach e.V. in Bavaria.

"From the many good ideas on nature experience for all, we had to select eight particularly convincing ones. The many applications, feedbacks and further inquiries show how great the need for advice and support currently is", says Dr. Thomas Schaefer, Head of Nature Conservation & Living Lakes at Global Nature Fund. The decision was difficult: A total of 21 applications from private and public nature conservation institutions throughout Germany were received - all with great motivation and good ideas on how to open offers for experiencing nature to all and how to break down communicative and physical barriers. Important for the jury was not only the overall concept, but also that the maximum benefit is achieved for the applicants within the framework of the funding offered.

In the next step, the winners will receive professional advice on their facilities and concepts as well as 4,000 euros to implement the first ideas as early as the end of 2023. Barrier-free nature excursions, development of tactile models and barrier-free adventure routes, a barrier-free otter picnic and technical redesign for barrier-free access to information are among the selected measures.

The competition is over - now the work starts: for more nature without barriers. Stay up to date and follow the further developments on the project website of "Nature without barriers!".

The topic of barrier-free nature experience in nature conservation and environmental education institutions as well as in public guided tours is still little established. The reasons for this are manifold. One is that so far there is no sufficient training offer for the large educational institutions in environmental education. Accordingly, measures for barrier-free nature experience in many nature conservation facilities in Germany remain rather exceptions. According to the experiences of the last 10 years, it is crucial to take the first step, which shows possible adaptations and measures. This step is to be supported in the project "Nature without barriers!". The project has two main goals: Conceptualization and implementation of accessibility & nature experience in the relevant educational systems in Germany as well as implementation of concrete measures for inclusive nature experience in nature conservation facilities within the framework of the ideas competition. The project is funded by the German Postcode Lottery and the HAKA Foundation.


Global Nature Fund (GNF)
Dr. Thomas Schaefer
Head of Nature Conservation
Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4
78315 Radolfzell at Lake Constance
Phone: +49 7732 9995-89



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Global Nature Fund against extremism 

Our democracy is in danger

Uncertainties and threats around us are growing and the political climate in Germany and Europe has changed dramatically. In particular, the current developments in Germany over the past few weeks are very frightening. 


GNF is taking a stand

The Global Nature Fund (GNF) stands for democracy, freedom of opinion and fundamental human rights for all people and is committed to a liberal, cosmopolitan society. We categorically reject any form of extremist ideology as a pretext for hatred, exclusion, intolerance, racism, misanthropy or violence. In Germany and Europe, right-wing extremist groups are increasingly and deliberately stirring up fears - fear of foreigners, change or poverty - and inciting people and social groups against each other. We must take action against this and oppose this attack on democracy and basic social values with determination and solidarity. The primary goal of GNF - the protection of the environment and nature, sustainable development and the preservation of the basis of human life - also requires clear political demands and positions. The current complex crises, such as wars, climate and environmental problems and other natural disasters, can only be solved in a liberal and democratic social environment.


Act now

Fundamental values of our society are also under threat in Germany. Various local, state and European elections are due in 2024. This must be a call or all of us now. All people striving for peace, democracy, justice, tolerance, self-determination and human rights must act now and use all democratic instruments. Against racism, anti-Semitism and any other form of group-based misanthropy! For us, and future generations. (GNF, 02.02.2024)