Elephant protection

Protecting the last elephants in Nepal and India



The population in the border region of Nepal and India is growing and land use is being intensified: Forest is transformed into farmland, settlements or infrastructure - the elephants' habitat is shrinking. However, elephants need a lot of space: they spend up to 19 hours a day searching for food in an area of around 300 km²! Roads lead through forest areas where the animals have their retreat. If villagers walk along the roads in the forest in the evening, they quickly find themselves in danger. Without early warning systems, they do not know where the elephants are. Smallholder farmers often risk their lives to keep the elephants away from their fields. People's behavior is often due to a lack of knowledge.


In this project, we are working to protect the last 150 elephants living there by training elephant protection groups, educating local people on alternative income opportunities, establishing training and awareness-raising measures, installing an early warning system and revising local management plans to protect the elephants.

Proct goals: 

  1. 1,600 people live peacefully with the elephants by protecting their homes and crops.
  2. the residents learn the behavior of the elephants and are warned of approaching elephants by an early warning system.
  3. concrete measures are implemented by the national park administrations and forestry authorities as well as the land users.

Project measures:

  1. establishment of elephant protection groups as well as training and sensitization measures
  2. installation of an early warning system
  3. construction of solar street lamps and an elephant-proof grain store
  4. raising awareness among the local population
  5. revision of the local management plans for the protection of elephants
  6. training local people in alternative income opportunities
 Der Hovsgol-See in der Mongolei
 Nomaden durchstreifen mit ihren Herden den Nationalpark.
 Müll wird aktuell nicht gesammelt und entsorgt.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

 Ziel 6: Verfügbarkeit und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Wasser und Sanitärversorgung für alle gewährleisten

Contact us

Laura Böttges

Global Nature Fund (GNF) - Büro Radolfzell

Tel.: +49 7732 9995 89

E-Mail: boettges@globalnature.org


Project period:

Project countries:

Project partner:


October 2023 - September 2026

Nepal, India

Nature Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS),
Ujayalo Nepal

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ),

Ursula Merz Foundation