GNF - Become a climate sponsor!

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Extreme weather conditions that could lead to natural disasters like the one in Germany's Middle Rhine Valley in mid-July 2021 will become more frequent as a result of climate change - scientists leave no doubt about that. But what conclusions do we draw from the alarming forecasts of unlimited global warming, which would have devastating consequences on a local and global level? In a series of projects, the Global Nature Fund (GNF) shows how effective action can be taken to reduce climate-damaging emissions.


Three projects, one goal: Climate Protection


In Bangladesh and India, the GNF provides concrete climate protection on site. While mangroves in South Asia are deforested on a large scale for aquaculture ponds, the GNF partnerorganizations in the project "SAIME" (Sustainable Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems) have already planted more than 100,000 new seedlings. The salt-tolerant plants store more carbon than any other forest - up to 1,000 tons per hectare. Here, farmers plant mangroves directly into their aquaculture ponds, with positive effects for biodiversity and climate.

Read more about our "SAIME" project

 Ein Dankeschön an alle Frauen, die an der Umsetzung des Projektes mitwirken.

Companies are addressed by a number of GNF projects dealing with the topic of forest regeneration. The fact that trees are an essential factor to bind carbon from the atmosphere or to keep it bound has become common knowledge. With consulting services, the GNF wants to help companies to take on private sector responsibility. In August, "ELAN" startes, a project for deforestation-free supply chains, whose funding commitment was personally handed over to the GNF by German Federal Minister for the Environment Svenja Schulze on 19 August 2021.

Read more about the project "Reconstruction of Forest Landscapes"

 Abgeholzte Wälder sind überall zu sehen

What global warming means for water bodies in Germany is currently being investigated by the GNF in the "Flash Light Study Lakes and Climate Change". Temperatures, precipitation amounts, flood events - what had shocking consequences in the west of our country in the summer of 2021 is also the focus of the study, for which the GNF benefits from the diverse partnerships in the Living Lakes Germany network.

Read more about the project "Flash Light Study Lakes and Climate Change"


GLS-Bank Bochum

IBAN: DE 53 4306 0967 8040 4160 00


Purpose of donation: Climate Protection

Global Nature Fund (GNF)

Manuela Uhde

Head of Marketing, Finance and Administration

Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4

78315 Radolfzell, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)7732 9995 85

Fax: +49 (0)7732 9995 88




Thank you very much for your support.

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